Nizip town of Gaziantep in the Birecik Dam Lake, located in the ancient city of Zeugma in the excavations conducted in the light of day out of the villa, 400 tons of iron used to be built with roofs to protect them. Tourism center into the target, Gaziantep and in the area of tourism development in the coming years to make a significant contribution expected Ancient Zeugma Kent in the excavation, landscaping and coastal protection wall and roof construction work added.
Gaziantep Provincial Special Administration,''Zeugma ancient city of Dionysos and Danae Villas Upper Cover Projesi''nin Construction contractors tender the company's technical team, the ancient city for the construction of roof work continues. The roof will move directly determined the locations of the technical team after this study, 400 tons be constructed using iron and Danae and Dionysos villa is located about a thousand square meters of space, which will overlie the roof of the construction will start.
The ancient city of Zeugma in the day brought to light the Dionysos and Danae villas and other remains are to be destroyed to prevent the winter season in izlenmenmelerini roof will allow for the construction of the Special Provincial Administration of 1 million 369 thousand 506 TL appropriation was allocated. 24 November 2008 and awarded the construction contract signed in 2009 with the construction of the roof of January 8 will be completed in one year. Meanwhile, the largest ruins are visible in the ancient city of Zeugma and Dionysus, the project created for restoration of Danae villa. The ancient city of Zeugma, 300 BC by Alexander the Great founded with the name''''Selevkia Euphrates. Self-help that BC Pompeius 64'de Roman commander in return for the city 1 Antiachos'a said. Kommagene 4 major cities of the kingdom, one of the city, connecting to the Roman Empire was entirely from BC 31'den and''bridge'',''which means''gate''was renamed''Zeugma.
Great richness and splendor during the Roman period who Zeugma, the Sassanid king than 256 MS 1 Shapur conquered by the burned and destroyed. GAP coverage built Birecik Dam hold water started to be processed together with Turkey and from foreign composed by teams by ancient city under water will remain part of extensive rescue excavations were made. Rescue excavations in the light of day extracted, and each one a masterpiece that expressed mosaics, wall paintings, statues of Mars and Clay Seal Impression Collection has moved to the Gaziantep Archeology Museum and was presented to the attention of visitors.
Targeted to be converted into open-air museum in the ancient city of Zeugma, the Council of Ministers within the scope of the decision taken in 2005, Assoc. Dr. Excavation work continues under the presidency of Kutalmış Görkay.